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We're hiring Python developers. Learn, grow and make a positive social impact fighting disinformation.
It is not easy to ignore the noise. It is not easy to focus on what matters. Sometimes, it seems impossible to see the big picture. Such is the nature of infosphere in 2025.
We're hiring Python developers. Learn, grow and make a positive social impact fighting disinformation.
In the rapidly changing digital information space, distinguishing between authentic news and propaganda is challenging, as seen with the Vrbětice incident in the Czech Republic that drew internatio...
Mnohí si počas pandemických rokov želali návrat do sveta bez opatrení. Rok 2022 návrat do normálu priniesol. Zároveň však priniesol aj vojnu. A práve vojna sa pre minulý rok stala najdôležitejšou t...
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Gerulata Juno is a commercially available platform that help clients see through the noise.
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